First Year Living Learning Communities

First Year Living Learning Communities

Begin to build lifelong bonds that support your endeavors and challenge you to grow. Our first-year students live with other students who share similar interests throughout our Living-Learning Communities. Located in “The Quad,” these communities help you transition to life at Clarkson and cultivate connections through special programming that addresses your academic, social and personal needs.

All of the Living-Learning Communities compete alongside each other throughout the first semester in the Clarkson First-Year Cup challenge. This initiative serves as an incentive for students to get to know one another along with their classmates, integrate into the campus community and utilize its resources. Students gain points toward their floor for attending certain University events organized by Residence Life. Some of the incentivized events include the Career Fair, campus speakers, and sporting events. The floor with the most points at the end of the semester has dinner hosted by the president of the University and the option to move into Farrisee House in the Price complex during their second year.

Watch a short video on Living Learning Communities here

Explore all Living-Learning Communities

Are you interested in learning about diversity through a shared love of food? On the Cultural Cuisine floor you will have direct access to one of the two student kitchens available in the Quad. The Cultural Cuisine floor will feature programming on how to make different types of cuisine from around the world! This floor you will also get introduced to our various diversity and inclusion clubs and societies on campus such as: SHPE, NSBE, SASE, SWE and much more!

A photo of the fall 2024 cultural cuisine living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

This floor is for first-year students who have creative talents, musically, artistically, theatrically, or are interested in getting lost in a good novel, and may learn best from reading. This floor will be based around arts and literature, and the spread of thoughts and ideas inspired by storytelling through different media. Programming will allow students to showcase their talents or interests to their community, share adventurous tales, or learning moments from your favorite characters, and how you can apply creativity to our current society. The goal is to promote creativity on campus and in our local community.

A photo of the fall 2024 creative minds living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

Live and create lasting bonds with other NY State students who too are overcoming the challenges of transportation and homesickness. Embrace the diverse traditions and unique cuisines of the Empire State!

A photo of the fall 2024 empire state of mind living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

Are you a First Generation Student? If neither of your parents/guardians holds a four-year university degree, then you are a first-generation student even if you have a sibling who is attending college or graduating ahead of you. As a first-gen student, you have what it takes to succeed, but sometimes financial, family, academic or work pressures can make the first-gen student experience particularly challenging. In partnership with TRiO-Student Support Services (SSS), the F1RST CONNECTION community will provide a support system and foster a sense of belonging. Highlights include access to tutoring, a lending library, cultural field trips, student lounge space, and 1 on 1 support with a student success coach.

The Clarkson FIRST Robotics Living Learning Community is located on a suite-style residence hall floor in Graham Hall's Donahue House, which is usually reserved for upperclassman housing. It's designed to bring together forty students, both first-year students and sophomores, to give them a tight-knit living community. They live and work together, and do outreach within the FIRST Robotics family of programs to students from elementary through high school levels as well as campus-wide programs and events. To learn more about FIRST and its programs, visit Our community also participates in fun activities outside of robotics outreach. Some of these include guest speakers, hosting a League of Legends and Starcraft tournament, bowling, barbeques, and bonfires. Plus, you can always suggest your own ideas for activities! The floors are always looking for new ideas.

A photo of the fall 2024 first robotics living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

Gender inclusive housing at Clarkson University provides an affirming, safe, and welcoming theme community option for students who identify and/or share the following lived experiences: genderqueer, transgender, currently transitioning, discovering their gender identity, gender, gender fluid, non-binary, or anyone who respects and appreciates students with the above identities and lived experiences. This community shares a single gender-inclusive restroom. The Gender Inclusive floor will be located on a fourth floor in first-year housing.

A photo of the fall 2024 gender inclusive living learning community holding a banner

Welcome to our gaming-centric community, where you will forge new great bonds with people from all aspects of the world of games. With your new teammates, companions and rivals you can find yourself playing tabletop games or even online ones strengthening your bonds to help each other overcome first year student challenges. 
Join us for gaming nights and casual/competitive tournaments, tabletop sessions, and lively discussions about your favorite games. Beyond gaming this community is a place to help you navigate the challenges of college life, offering study tips, mentorship and a supportive community in a place that makes you feel at home.  We want to see you succeed academically on your quest for enlightenment.  Whether you are a hardcore gamer or a casual one at the end of the day all gamers are created equal!  

A photo of the fall 2024 golden gamers living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

First-year students who are accepted into the Honors Program at Clarkson University have the option to live in our Honors-themed community. Honors students are curious, take leadership and academics seriously, and love to get involved. The Honors program offers special classes, social programming, and community events from game nights to ice cream socials to service events. Honors students who opt to live in the HLLC live together, study together, and form a tight-knit community. In this LLC, you'll form lifelong friendships with fellow Honors classmates.

A photo of the fall 2024 honors program living learning community holding a banner.

Fall 2024

The Ignite Innovation community is for students who are passionate about innovating for the global community. Ignite’s theme of Think. Make. Ignite. encourages students to explore the challenges and opportunities for their present and future. We believe everyone is a maker and that our world is better when makers create and implement effective solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. While cultivating entrepreneurial mindsets and innovative skills, Ignite encourages students to explore and broaden their thinking to meet the challenges of tomorrow. If you are someone who wants to learn, explore, and experience innovation and making, join other students who are looking to do the same. Students in this living and learning community will have access to the Ignite resource areas and make connections across campus with Ignite staff and student colleagues.

A photo of the Fall 2024 Ignite innovation living learning community holding a banner

Spring 2024

Do you have an interest in automobiles, mechanical engineering, and/or SPEED Teams? This floor is for you. Clarkson University has multiple SPEED Teams including baja, formula, ChemE car, clean snowmobiles, and much more. Please review the SPEED website for more information surrounding these exciting opportunities. These clubs are a great opportunity to meet fellow Clarkson students with similar interests.

A photo of the fall 2024 knight speed living learning community holding a banner.

Fall 2024

This floor will be composed of students passionate about building Clarkson spirit through supporting their fellow students in activities across campus. If you are interested in being a supportive person at activities, athletic events, and social gatherings please consider Let's Go Tech! This community will promote peer support, enthusiasm for campus events, healthy living, and Clarkson spirit. Programming will focus on community development, campus activities, and academic excellence.

A photo of the Fall 2024 Lets go tech living learning community holding a banner

Are you a student who is interested in developing yourself professionally in preparation for the workforce and the “real world” of Business? This floor will be particularly beneficial to students who are majoring in the School of Business or Engineering & Management (E&M). Floor programs will focus on promoting student learning and development in leadership, teamwork, and entrepreneurship. Building connections to campus, the community, and global resources is a main aspect of this floor theme.

A photo of the Fall 2024 Living Business living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

Are you a male interested in science and engineering at Clarkson? Well, we've got the perfect spot for you, as a member of MiSE, a supportive living and learning community on campus. The MiSE (Men in Science & Engineering) program is an opportunity that fosters engagement in the world of science and engineering to males. MiSE was created to offer males a strong support system to help with everyday challenges. This system of support includes upper class men serving as mentors of the program as well as several staff members from across the university. Programming for the MiSE floor will be open to the students who are living in WiSE.

A photo of the 2024 Men in science and engineering living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

Do you love the outdoors and sustainability? Are you looking forward to exploring the nature and beautiful views that are right at your doorstep here at Clarkson University? Are you interested in diverse aspects of sustainability pertaining to the immediate campus, the North Country community, and the world at large. Students from a range of different backgrounds will come together to explore their interest in, and commitment to, the outdoors and sustainable living. If so, the Outdoor Enthusiast floor might be the perfect community for you. This floor community consists exclusively of residents who truly love the experience of the great outdoors and build a supportive community of trust and respect through their shared experiences with nature.

A photo of the fall 2024 outdoor enthusiast living learning community holding a banner.

Fall 2024

If you’re a first-year student intending on going into the healthcare professions such as physical therapist, physician assistant, doctor of medicine, or veterinary physician, you should consider living in the Pre-Health Professionals Living-Learning Community. This floor will allow students to connect socially and academically, and make connections through Clarkson to professionals in their field of study.

A photo of the Fall 2024 pre health professionals living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

This floor is for students who want to live in a community with other students who are interested in military service. While living on this floor students will be exposed to traditions, customs, and current members of the Clarkson University ROTC/AFROTC programs.

A photo of the fall 2024 ROTC living learning community holding a banner.

Fall 2024

This floor looks to build a vibrant community of women leaders to inspire and empower them professionally and personally. Through fostering a nurturing environment of learning and innovation we endeavor to cultivate a generation of resilient female leaders. Programs for this floor will aim to empower women by facilitating leadership development through networking, collaboration, and education opportunities across campus and the community.

A photo of the Fall 2024 She Leads living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

US Manufacturing is making a strong comeback and the job and career opportunities for students interested in advanced manufacturing are expanding. The Solinsky Scholarship program is a new program for engineering students who have an interest in making and manufacturing. Students will be offered the opportunity to reside in a living and learning environment with students who have the same interests. The Solinsky living and learning community is advised by the Dean of Engineering who will meet with the students on a regular basis and will provide individualized academic and career mentoring. Other living and learning activities include group discussions, the opportunity to meet with alumni who are leaders in manufacturing industries, and group trips to manufacturing companies. Solinsky Scholarship recipients will be offered priority access to Clarkson's Maker Space, engineering shop skills courses, and micro-credential programs. Microcredential program offerings complement the formal engineering curriculum and provide opportunities for students to learn about cutting-edge technologies, the business and economics of engineering, and personal leadership and development. Accelerate your personal and professional success through the Solinsky Scholarship program.

A photo of the Fall 2024 Solinsky living learning community holding a banner

Fall 2024

Are you a female interested in science and engineering at Clarkson? Well, we've got the perfect spot for you, as a member of WiSE, a supportive living and learning community on campus. The WiSE (Women in Science & Engineering) program is an opportunity that fosters engagement in the world of science and engineering for females, who are typically outnumbered in such majors and programs. WiSE was created to offer females a strong support system to help with everyday challenges. This system of support includes upper-class women serving as mentors of the program as well as several staff members from across the university. Programming for the WiSE floor will be open to the students who are living in MiSE.

A photo of the Fall 2024 Women in Science & Engineering Living Learning community holding a banner.

Fall 2024

First Year Cup

The First Year Cup (FYC) is an engaging and competitive initiative that promotes student involvement and community spirit within residential floors. Each floor participates by attending various campus events listed on the FYC calendar, earning a point(s) for each event attended. The winning floor, determined by the highest point accumulation, is rewarded with prizes for housing opportunities and a catered dinner with the Clarkson University President. Awards may be altered on an annual basis.

Events included in the FYC calendar cater to a diverse range of interests and activities, such as athletic events, sustainbility initatives, career fairs, international fairs, guest speakers, diversity initiatives, and more. This ensures something for everyone, encouraging broad participation across the student body with educational and physically active events. Events are also tied in annually to the First Year Seminar class.
Previous winners of the FYC include a variety of floor themes highlighting the competitive yet inclusive nature of the initiative.  

Past FYC winners include:
2018 - Outdoor Enthusiasts
2019 - STEM Ed.
2020 - Golden Gamers
2021 - Go Knights
2022 - Creative Minds
2023 - Honors

Overall, the FYC serves as a catalyst for fostering a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and active engagement among students, enhancing the overall student experience in their first year on campus.

Lets Go Tech, First Year Cup Winning Floor Personalized Swag Prize, 2021

A photo of a living learning community in the gym.

Spring 2024

A photo of a living learning community in a freshman hallway.

Fall 2023

A photo of a living learning community in a freshman common area.

Fall 2023

A photo of a living learning community in a freshman hallway.

Fall 2019

A photo of a living learning community in a dining hall.

Spring 2024

A photo of a living learning community in a freshman hallway.

Fall 2023

A photo of a living learning community in a freshman common area.

Spring 2024

CTA Block