Daved Barry

Emeritus Professor
Department(s) / Center(s)

Arts, Culture and Technology Department

Daved  Barry Headshot

Education Background

Management Ph.D. - 1987 University of Maryland
Counselling Psychology Masters - 1981 University of Maryland
Psychology B.A. - 1977 University of Maryland

Teaching Interests

I have successfully designed and used a wide variety of pedagogic forms, some of which have been published. During the last few years I have mostly used studio methods derived from design and art schools. Other pedagogies include:

  • the case method
  • experiential training groups
  • live organizational analyses
  • class-as-organization methods
  • business simulations
  • web-based distance learning

Subjects successfully taught include:

  • Organization Design
  • Leadership
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Arts & Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Group Dynamics
  • Organization Behaviour
  • Management Consultation
  • Organizational Change
  • Interpersonal Relations
  • Organizational Art & Aesthetics
  • Career Development
  • Organizational Culture
  • Research Methods

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in how design, arts, and humanities-based approaches to management and organization can be applied to innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, organizational design, workplace development, change, and strategy.  

My work has both a methodological orientation (for example, how can the various analytic approaches in design theory be translated to organization studies) and an applied one (e.g. how might design theory challenge and inform leadership). While well skilled in quantitative, positivist research methods, most of my work over the last decade has been qualitative and interpretivist in nature.


  • September, 2017. 4m (sek) grant from the Swedish Knowledge Foundation for “Organizational Ambidexterity in SMEs” (headed by Annika Engstrom at Jönköping University).
  • December, 2016. 4.8m (sek) grant from the Swedish Knowledge Foundation for “DPer News: A studio approach to news personalization.” With Mart Ots and Ulf Johansson.
  • December, 2016. 1.2m (sek) grant from the Vinnova Foundation for the “Digital Business Innovation Studio” project. With Henry Lopez-Vega and Mart Ots.
  • November, 2016. 3.3m (sek) grant from the Jönköping Regional Fund for the “Datamine” project—partly using studio methods to shape data mining research within the region. With Ulf Johansson and Mart Ots.
  • May, 20016. Awarded the 2016 Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award for best paper contribution to management education (sponsored by SAGE and Organization Behavior Teaching Society).
  • December, 2015. 1.5m (sek) grant from the Swedish Knowledge Foundation for advancing business studio theory and practice.
  • May, 2008. Awarded the Imagination Lab Foundation/EURAM (European Academy of Management) Career Achievement Award for Innovative Scholarship. The award is Europe’s first for long term scholarship in management studies, the first in the world for innovative scholarship, and the first to have a substantial cash prize attached.
  • February, 2007. Awarded Honorary Professorship in Creativity and Leadership (Adjunct) by Copenhagen Business School.
  • August, 2002. Best Paper Award for “Calder and the Network: Imaginal Considerations in Social Network Theorizing” (with Claus Rerup), Organization & Management Theory Division, Academy of Management Meetings, Denver, Colorado.
  • August, 2002. Best Paper Award for “To text or context: Endotextual and Exotextual Approaches to Organizational Narrative Research” (with Brigid Carroll and Hans Hansen), Research Methods Division, Academy of Management Meetings, Denver, Colorado.
  • August, 2002. Finalist for Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper. “To text or context: Endotextual and Exotextual Approaches to Organizational Narrative Research” (with Brigid Carroll and Hans Hansen)
  • Distinguished Teaching Awards, 1990 & 1992, Syracuse University.
  • Best Teacher Awards, 1984, 1985, & 1986, University of Maryland.


Books & Edited Journals

(note: until 2007 I published under the name David Barry)

  • (co-edited with Stefan Meisiek; 2014)). Arts-based approaches to Management and Organization. This invited special issue of the Scandinavian Journal of Management represents advanced theory and practices within the field of Arts and Management.
  • (co-edited with Dave Ketchen and Violina Rindova) 2009. Entrepreneuring. Special issue of Academy of Management Review, July 2009 (V34/3). This was an invited editorship. The issue’s aim was to create a new research and theorizing agenda for entrepreneurship.
  • (edited with Hans Hansen). 2008. Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. Sage. This book complements the existing Handbook of Organization Studies, focusing on emerging trends in management and organization studies.

Book Chapters

  • (w/ Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, Rob Austin, & Stefan Meisiek). 2017. The arts in management education. In Timon Beyes and Christopher Steyert (eds), The Routledge Companion to the Humanities and Social Sciences in Management Education. London: Routledge.
  • “The new organization design.” 2016. In Designing business and management (Ed. Sabine Junginger and Jurgen Faust). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • “Art and entrepreneurship, apart and together.” 2011. In Art Entrepreneurship (Scherdin, Mikael and Ivo Zander, eds.) London: Edward Elgar Press.
  • “The art of . . .” 2008. In Barry, D. & Hansen, H., The Sage Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. London: Sage, pp. 31-41.
  • (with H. Hansen). “The new and emerging in management and organization: Gatherings, trends, and bets”. 2008. In Barry, D. & Hansen, H., The Sage Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. London: Sage, pp. 1-10.
  • (with H. Hansen). “Where are you going?. 2008. In Barry, D. & Hansen, H., The Sage Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. London: Sage, pp. 586-588.
  • (with J. Rae). “Ottsy”. 2007. In Darso, Meisiek, and Boje (Eds.)  The Thinbook on Organizational Theatre. Copenhagen: Learning Lab Press.
  • “The play of the mediate”. 2005. In Brellochs, M. and Schrat, H. (Eds), Sophisticated survival techniques: Strategies in art and economy. Berlin: Kultureverlag Kadmos (pp. 57-77).
  • “Mountain dancing: Reflections on Karl Weick's work”. 2005. In Stablein, R.E. and Frost, P.J. (eds.) Renewing research practice. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books (pp. 205-208).
  • (with N. Monin). “Toggling with Taylor: Reading foundational theory differently.”  2000.  In Combes, C., Grant, D., Keenoy, T., and Oswick,C. (Eds.). Organisational discourse: Word-views, work-views and world-views, pp. 185-198. London: KMPC.
  • (with M. A. Hazen). “Do You Take Your Body to Work?” 1996. In D. Boje, T. Joseph, and B. Gephart (eds). Postmodern Management, London: Sage.
  • “Managing the Bossless Team” 1993. In D. Bohl (ed.) Self-Managed Teams: Creating the High-Performance Workplace, NY: American Management Association Periodicals (pp. 53-70).


  • (with Stefan Meisiek). Forthcoming, 2018. Finding the sweet spot between art and business in analogically mediated inquiry. Journal of Business Research. This paper reports on a longitudinal study of 20 innovation interventions, where artists and designers were paired with diverse businesses for a year.
  • Design Sweets, C-Suites, and the Candy Man Factor. 2017. Journal of Marketing Management, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2017.1282727. Essay on executive level design.
  • (with Mandy Chilcott). 2016. Narrating creativity: Developing an emic, first person approach to creativity research. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, 3: 57-67.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2015. Discovering the business studio. Journal of Management Education, 39(1): 153-175. A 25 year review of global studio practices and theory in business settings and management education. The Organizational Behavior Teaching Society gave it the 2016 Roethlisberger award for best contribution to management education.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2014. The science of making management an art. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30: 134-141.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2014. Theorizing the field of art and managment. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30: 83-85.
  • (with Tomi Kallio; Klaasjan Visscher; Petra de Weerd-Nederhof). 2011. New directions in organizational creativity, Editorial. Creativity and Innovation Management, 20(2): 75-76.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2010. Seeing more and seeing differently: Sensemaking, mindfulness, and the workarts. Organization Studies, 31(11): 1505-1530. Uses a comprehensive review of the field of arts-based inquiry and intervention to develop a new theoretical perspective on sensemaking.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2010. The art of leadership and its fine art shadow. Leadership 6(3): 331-349. Articulates how leadership might be theorized using fine arts theory and practice.
  • (with Violina Rindova and Dave Ketchen). 2009. Entrepreneuring as emancipation. Academy of Management Review, 34(3): 477-491. Articulates a new framework for entrepreneurship that stresses social change, authoring, and declaration.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2008. Through the looking glass of organizational theatre: Analogically mediated inquiry in organizations. Organization Studies, 28(12): 1805-1827. This paper uses an in-depth study of organization theatre to develop a new model of analogical organizational learning.
  • (with Hans Hansen, David Boje, & Mary Jo Hatch). Truth or consequences: An improvised collective story construction. 2007. Journal of Management Inquiry, 16 (2): 112-126. This paper explores the use of collectively written fiction to generate theoretical insights in organization studies.
  • (with Claus Rerup)  Going mobile: Aesthetic design considerations from Calder and the Constructivists.  2006. Organization Science, 17(2): 262-276. This paper uses the ‘mobile’ art of Alexander Calder to develop a theory of dynamic organizational design. The paper is part of a special Organization Science issue on organization design, edited by Bill Starbuck and Roger Dunbar.
  • (with Brigid Carroll & Hans Hansen)  “To Text or context?  Endotextual, exotextual, and multi-textual approaches to narrative and discursive organizational studies”.  2006. Organization Studies, 27(8): 1091-1110. This paper develops a new approach to reading and working with organizational texts.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). “Dramatic changes”. 2004. Learning Lab Denmark Quarterly, 1: 15-18.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2004. The Nyx Innovation alliances: An evaluation of arts and business in Denmark. Learning Lab Denmark: Copenhagen.
  • (with Ralph Bathurst and Lloyd Williams). 2003. Cadences at Waco: A critique of “Timing and Music. Academy of Management Review, 28(3). This is a critical response paper which helps extend the newly emerging field of musical organization theory.
  • (with David Brock). 2003. What if planning was really strategic?: Exploring  the  strategy planning relationship in multinationals. International Business Review, 12(5).  This paper lays out a new framework for strategic planning that links planning processes to the actual strategy being pursued.  
  • (with Nanette Monin and John Monin). 2003. Toggling with Taylor: A different approach to reading a management text.  Journal of Management Studies, 40(2): 377-401.
  • (with Todd Bridgman). 2002. Regulation is Evil: An application of narrative policy analysis to regulatory debate in New Zealand. Policy Sciences, (35: 141-161).  Multi-level narrative analysis was used to explain the stalling of regulatory reform in this qualitative study of New Zealand’s telecommunications sector.
  • (with David Brock & David Thomas) 2000. Your forward is our reverse, your right, our wrong: Rethinking multinational planning processes in light of national culture. International Business Review, V9(6).  This study develops a theory of subsidiary-based planning based on survey and qualitative data from Australian and New Zealand subsidiaries of multinational companies.  
  • (with David Thomas & Elizabeth Ravlin) 1999. Creating effective multicultural teams. University of Auckland Business Review, V2(1): 10-24. This is an international study of team culture and its relationship to team performance. A combination of survey and open ended interviewing was used.
  • (with Michael Elmes) 1999. Deliverance, denial, and the death zone: A study of narcissism and regression in the May 1996 Everest climbing disaster. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, V35, #2: 163-187. This study uses a mix of social constructionist theory and narcissism theory to explain the Everest climbing disaster of 1996. The study has been reported in numerous newspapers (e.g., the London Observer, NY Times, Canadian Globe), and the BBC.
  • (with Michael Elmes). 1997. Truth’s consequences.” Academy of Management Review, V22(4): 842-844. This work examines the consequences of personalizing management research.
  • (with Michael Elmes). 1997. On paradigms and narratives. Academy of Management Review, V22(4): 847-849). Discusses the difference between logico-scientific and narrative approaches to organizational studies.
  • “Telling changes: From narrative family therapy to organizational change and development.” 1997. Journal of Organizational Change Management, V10(1): 32-48.  Paper examines how recent work in narrative therapy might be applied to organizational change.
  • (with Stephen Carroll and Catherine Cramton). 1997. Navigating the garbage can: How agendas help managers cope with job realities.” Academy of Management Executive, V11(2): 26-42).  Paper recounts the development of a grounded theory of agendas and the organization of managerial work.  Theory was developed over a two year period using an inductive, fieldwork-based approach.
  • (with Michael Elmes). 1997. Strategy retold: A narrative approach to strategic discourse. Academy of Management Review, V22(2): 429-452.  Paper discusses how literary theory might be applied to strategic management.
  • Artful Inquiry: A Symbolic Constructionist Framework for Social Science Research. 1997. Qualitative Inquiry, V2(4): 411-438).  Paper details symbolic constructivism, a methodology I’ve developed that combines elements of symbolist theory, art therapy, and social constructionism.  This work situates symbolic constructivism within both modernist and postmodernist thinking.
  • (with Ron Cook). 1995. Shaping the external environment: A study of small business influence public policy. Business & Society, V12(4).  Paper summarizes a three year field study of public policy influence strategies by smaller firms.  A social constructivist framework is used to account for these strategies.
  • Making the Invisible Visible: Using Analogically-based Methods to Surface Unconscious Processes in Organizations. 1994. Organizational Development Journal, V12(4): 37-48.
  • (with Ron Cook). 1992. Whether or not to be involved in public policy strategy: Decision processes among small to medium sized firms. Journal of Small Business Management, Spring. This is a qualitative study of how small business owners come to be involved in influencing public policy. It sets forth a model that owners can use to determine whether or not involvement in a particular issue is warranted.
  • Managing the Bossless Team: Lessons in Distributed Leadership.” 1991. Organizational Dynamics, V21(1): 31-47.  Paper describes an expanded model of leadership which subsumes both individual leadership theory and group leadership.
  • (with Fran Zollers). 1991. 6B: An empirical study of the Consumer Product Safety Act, Section 6B and its effect on information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Administrative Law Review, 1991, V43(3): 455-472).  Considers the effects of a non-disclosure regulation on product information release.  While not a primary part of my research stream, this study reflects an effort to develop research skills through exposure to other fields and methods.
  • (with Edwin Locke and Ken Smith) 1990. Goal setting, planning and organizational performance: An experimental simulation. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, V46: 118-134).  This paper summarizes the development and testing (via lab experiments) of strategic goal theory.
  • “TWINCORP: Extensions of the classroom-as-organization model.” 1989.  Organizational Behaviour Teaching Review (now Journal of Management Education), V14(1): 1-15.  This paper, published as the lead article, describes the development and implementation of a unique experiential pedagogy for teaching behaviourally oriented management courses.
  • Efficacious planning patterns among high technology firms. 1987.  Doctoral dissertation in which planning patterns of Washington based electronics firms were studied.  The intent was to document effective and ineffective strategic planning patterns.  Particular attention was given to the goal setting facet of strategic planning.

Paper Presentations and Chaired Conference Tracks

  • (with Marta Caccamo and Andrea Resmini). 2017. “Digital and physical blends within business studios.” Presented at the 2nd International Studio summit: Moving studios into the digital age, Toronto, October 11-13.
  • (with Marta Caccamo and Mart Ots). 2017. “Alterities and innovation in haute cuisine”. Presented at EGOS, Copenhagen, July 3-5.
  • (with Robert Bauer). 2017. “Advancing the dosing perspective within institutional logics. Presented at EGOS, Copenhagen, July 3-5.
  • (with Robert Bauer). 2016. “Poison or tonic? A dosing perspective on institutional logics. Presented at EGOS, Naples, July 3-5.
  • (with Michel Avital). 2014. “Freeing the goat”. Presented at the Art of Management & Organization Conference, Copenhagen, August 28-31.
  • (with Steve Taylor). 2014. “The thingyness problem in organization design”. Presented at EGOS, Rotterdam, July 3-5.
  • (with Cathryn Lloyd and Henrik Schrat). 2012. “City of Thought”. Co-chaired track on community building through boundary objects. Art of Management and Organization Conference, York, UK, September 4-7.
  • “The Ask in Particpatory Business Modeling.” 2012. The 12th Participatory Design Conference, Roskilde, Denmark, August 12-15.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek and Roberto Verganti). 2012. Co-chaired the “Art, Design, and Organization” standing work group (on artifacts and organization design) at the EGOS Annual Meeting, Helsinki.
  • 2011. “Redesigning Organization Design.” Keynote presentation at the Design Business Conference, IED (Istituto Europeo di Design), Barcelona, 17-18 November.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek and Mary Jo Hatch). 2010. “Sublime views and beautiful explanations: The art and craft of organization theory”. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, Montreal.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek and Eirik Irgens). 2010. “Forms of Knowing: From Habitual Blindness to Saper Vedere in Management Education”. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal.
  • (with Stefen Meisiek and Johan Roos). 2008. “Rich sensemaking in strategy-as-practice: the play of the obvious and the furtive “Karl Weick meeting Ernst Cassirer in Vienna.” EGOS Annual Meeting, Vienna.
  • (with Hans Hansen and Stefan Meisiek). 2008. “From Medium to Method: Artful Approaches to Teaching in the Business Classroom”. Co-chaired track at the Art of Management and Organization Conference, Banff, Canada, September 9-12.
  • (with Eirik Irgens and Stefen Meisiek). 2007. “Karl Weick meeting Ernst Cassirer in Vienna.” EGOS Annual Meeting, Vienna.
  • (with Mary Jo Hatch and Stefan Meisiek). 2007. “Moving Theory”. Co-chaired track at the EGOS Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2006. A fine art of leadership. European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Oslo, Norway.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek) “Culture Track”—chaired track at European Academy of Management (EURAM), 17-19 May, 2006, Oslo.
  • (with Arja Ropo) “Leading Creatively”—chaired track at European Academy of Management (EURAM), 17-19 May, 2006, Oslo.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). “Artist-organization partnerships for innovations and excesses”. Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), 8-10 July, 2005, Stockholm.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek)  “You call that art? Questioning the art of leadership.” European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), 30 June-2 July, 2005. Berlin.  
  • “Artful innovation in Denmark: Problems and prospects.” Invited talk at Imagine (Copenhagen Business School’s Center for Creative Industries). 23 May, 2005.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek)  “Who controls the looking glass? Towards a conversational understanding of organizational theater.” European Academy of Management, 4-7 May, 2005. Munich.  
  • “The rhyme and reason of artful innovation” Invited talk at Nova University. 4-5 April, 2005. Lisbon.  
  • (with Steve Taylor and Mary Jo Hatch)  “Not for philosophy does this rose give a damn: Problematics in organizational aesthetics.” Academy of Management Meetings, 7-10 August, 2004. New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • (with Mary Jo Hatch and David Boje)  “The Aesthetics of organization theorizing”.    Academy of Management Meetings, 1-5 August, 2003. Seattle, Washington.  Paper outlines how our construction of organization theory might follow more aesthetcally-informed approaches.
  • “On narrative leadership”.  2002.  Presented at the Learning Lab Denmark Agora, Copenhagen.
  • (with Claus Rerup). 2002. Network organization design: Aesthetic considerations from Calder and the Constructivists.  Academy of Management Meetings, Denver, 9-14 August.  Voted “Best Paper” in the Organization & Management Theory Division.
  • (with Brigid Carroll & Hans Hansen). 2002. To text or context: Endotextual and exotextual approaches to organizational narrative research”.  Academy of Management Meetings, Denver, 9-14 August.  Voted “Best Paper” in the Research Methods Division and Finalist for the Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper.
  • Our Art, Our Work: Applications of arts-based methods to organizational research. 2002. All Academy session. Academy of Management Meetings, Denver, 9-14.
  • (with Elaine Palmer). 2001. Serious questions about serious play: Problems and prospects in the study of mediated innovation. Australia New Zealand Academy of Management Meetings, Auckland, 5-9 December.  A review of what we know, and what we need to know about the relationship of mediates (models, prototypes, simulations, etc.) to innovation.
  • (with May Ireland). 2001. Disillusionment at work.  Academy of Management Meetings, Washington, D.C., 3-8 August, 2001.
  • (with Nick Nissley). 2001. States of the art: Applications of arts-based methods to organizational studies.  All Academy session.  Academy of Management Meetings, Washington, D.C., 3-8 August.
  • (with Michael Elmes). 2001. Is there more to the story: Narrative travel in organizational studies. Academy of Management Meetings, Washington, D.C.,-8 August, 2001.
  • (with Brad Jackson). 2001. The dramatistic genre in organizational research: Contributions, assessment, and prospects. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Annual Conference, Perth, July 2, 2001.
  • (with Nanette Monin). 2001. The rhetoric and realities of Mary Parker Follet.  European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Lyon, 3-5 July.
  • (with David Brock & David Thomas). 2000. Your forward is our reverse: Cultural considerations in strategic planning.  Academy of International Business, Phoenix, Arizona.
  • (with Nanette Monin). 2000. Toggling” with Taylor: Recondite meaning and reader ‘buy-in’.  International Conference on Organizational Discourse, King’s University, London, 24-26 July.
  • (with Denise Conroy). 1999. Personal constructs of organizational change: Voices of the NZ polytechnic sector. New Zealand OD Network Annual Meeting, Rotorua, New Zealand, 20-21 June.
  • Reading for a change: Using expressive stylistics in organizational change processes. 1999. International Conference on Language in Organizational Change and Transformation: What Makes a Difference?, Columbus, Ohio, 14-18 May.
  • Drawing out the group: The use of drawing in exploring group process. 1998.  Academy of Management Meetings, San Diego.
  • (with Michael Elmes). 1998. Narcissism in the death zone: Everest, disaster, and self-centered organization.  Academy of Management Meetings, San Diego.
  • (with Mary Ann Hazen). 1997. The safe emergency in organizational development.  Academy of Management Meetings, Boston.
  • (with Nanette Monin). 1996. Magic in the virtual organization of the future: A metaphoric analysis.” Proceedings of the Australian New Zealand Academy of Management, Wollongong, Australia, December.
  • (with Michael Elmes). 1996. Strategy-as-story: Towards a narrative approach to strategic discourse.  Academy of Management Meetings, Cincinnati.
  • Linking narrative therapy to organizational change and development. 1996. Narratives and Metaphors Across the Disciplines: An International Conference, Auckland, May.  
  • Symboconstructive inquiry in organizational settings. 1995. SCOS Proceedings (Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism). Turku, Finland.
  • (with Michael Elmes). 1995. Reconstructing the strategic self: From making plans to telling tales. SCOS Proceedings (Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism), Turku, Finland.
  • Making the invisible visible: Using analogically-based methods to surface the organizational unconscious. 1994. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Dallas.
  • (with David Brock). 1994. Planning contingencies: Reframing the strategy-planning relationship. Proceedings of the Australian New Zealand Academy of Management, Wellington, New Zealand, December.
  • Shadows in the house of work: Using symboconstructive techniques in the management classroom. 1994. Proceedings of the International Organization Behaviour Teaching Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, December.
  • (with Ron Cook). 1993. Shaping the secondary environment: A study of small business influence attempts in the political sector.  Academy of Management, Atlanta, August.
  • Exploring boundaries using the classroom-as-organization pedagogy. 1992. Organizational Behaviour Teaching Conference, Richmond, VA.
  • (with Stephen Carroll). 1989. Managerial agendas. Academy of Management Meetings, Washington D.C., August.
  • (with Phillip Fanara). 1985. The effect of regulation on utility pricing. Atlantic Economic Meetings, Washington, D.C., September.

Conference, Seminar, and Forum Organization

  • (with Per Darmer). August 2014. Co-organized the 7th Art of Management and Organization Conference.
  • (with Miguel Cunha, Joao Cunha, and Stefan Meisiek). Co-organized the 2010 EGOS Annual Meeting in Lisbon.
  • (with Tomi Kallos and Erika Sauer). 2009. Creativity in Organizations. Sub-Theme Co-organizer. EGOS Annual Meeting, Barcelona.
  • (with Stefan Meisiek). 2007. Lifeful Dances in Organization Studies. 2007. Sub-Theme Co-organizer. EGOS Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
  • Nova Management Seminar Series Fall 2006-present. Have arranged seminars over the 2006-2007 period with a number of the world’s leading management scholars.
  • Culture Program 2006. European Academy of Management Meeting, Oslo, Norway.
  • Co-organized the Organizational Theatre Summit (March, 2005), which gathered 27 of the world’s leading organizational theatre theorists and practitioners to author a book on the area.
  • Organizational Art Thin Book Summit. November, 2004. Liseleje, Denmark. The conference brought the world’s top 20 scholars and practitioners in organizational art together.
  • Organized the Fringe Café at the 2004 (New Orleans) and 2003 (Seattle) Academy of Management Meetings. Contributers included Jim March, Karl Weick, Chris Argyris, Joanne Martin, Peter Senge, Mary Jo Hatch.


Email: dbbarry@clarkson.edu

Office Phone Number: 315/268-6484

Office Location: 165 Bertrand H. Snell Hall

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5760