Phillip Christiansen

Adjunct Instructor
Department(s) / Center(s)
Phillip  Christiansen Headshot

Education Background

Postdoc - University of California at Berkeley
Postdoc - Utah State University
Ph.D. - University of California at Santa Barbara
B.S. - University of Utah

Courses Taught

  • CM105 - Chemistry Laboratory I
  • CM106 - Chemistry Laboratory II

Research Interests

  • Computational techniques to determine properties of molecules containing heavy elements; development of relativistic effective potential
  • Nonconventional electron correlation treatments for core-valence correlation
  • Quantum Monte Carlo using effective potentials to greatly reduce singularity and node sampling near nuclei
  • Quantum capping potentials to extend conventional quantum techniques to biological and/or nano systems
  • Immobilization of cells and enzymes in micro capsules to facilitate biofuel production
  • Analysis and properties of solid biofuels (Research in first-year chemistry labs).


Notable Awards for 1st Year Undergraduate Student Research:

  • “Sustainability of direct combustion bioenergy crops – sweet clover”, S. Armstrong, B. Atkinson, J. Hadynski, V. Olsen and P. Christiansen, Clarkson University SURE Conference, April 2016. Best Poster in Sustainability
  • “Rapid gravimetric silica analysis for biomass heating fuels”, S. Wirpel, X. Deng, L. DeRidder, K. Calnan, O. Durham, A. Hotalen and P. Christiansen, Clarkson University SURE Conference, April 2015. Best Poster in Energy and Sustainability
  • “Reduction of Chloride and Potassium in Switchgrass Biomass harvested for direct combustion heating in Northern New York”, J. Lynch, W. Potter, S. Suazo, R. Trautman, O. Durham and P. Christiansen, Northern NY Section ACS Research Symposium, April 2012. 2nd Place Undergraduate Poster Award
  • “Reduction of Chloride and Potassium in Switchgrass Biomass harvested for direct combustion heating in Northern New York”, J. Lynch, W. Potter, S. Suazo, R. Trautman, O. Durham and P. Christiansen, Northern NY Section ACS Research Symposium, April 2012. 2nd Place Undergraduate Poster Award
  • “Chemical Screening of Cellulosic Biomass: Controlled Leaching to Determine Ash-Chloride-Potassium Reduction in the Absence of Solid Material Losses”, S. Robertson, F. Moseley, A. Scangas, J. (Sidletsky)Ritz and P. Christiansen, Northern NY Section ACS Research Symposium, April 2011. 3rd Place Undergraduate Poster Award


Grant Funding Sources:

  • Research Corporation
  • National Science Foundation
  • United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  • Universal Energy Systems, Inc.
  • Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society
  • New York State Energy Research & Development Agency
  • Proctor & Gamble Corporation


Most Cited Clarkson University Journal Publications: [Web of Science search 1-11-17 (Christiansen pa + Clarkson)]

  • Ab initio relativistic effective potentials with spin-orbit operators. I. Li through Ar, L.F. Pacios and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 82, 2664-2671 (1985) 581 citations
  • Relativistic effects in chemical systems, P.A. Christiansen, W.C. Ermler and K.S. Pitzer, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 36, 407-432 (1985) 216 citations
  • Ab initio relativistic effective potentials with spin-orbit operators. II. K through Kr, M.M. Hurley, L.F. Pacios, P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 84, 6840-6853 (1986) 546 citations
  • Ab initio relativistic effective potentials with spin-orbit operators. III. Rb through Xe, L.A. LaJohn, P.A. Christiansen, R.B. Ross, T. Atashroo and W.C. Ermler, J. Chem. Phys., 87, 2812-2824 (1987) 718 citations
  • Relativistic effective potentials in quantum Monte-Carlo calculations, M.M. Hurley and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 86, 1069-1070 (1987) 89 citations
  • Ab initio Relativistic effective potentials with spin-orbit operators. IV. Cs through Rn, R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6654-6670 (1990) 499 citations
  • Ab initio relativistic effective potentials with spin-orbit operators. VI. Fr through Pu, W.C. Ermler, R.B. Ross and P.A. Christiansen, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 40, 829-846 (1991) 145 citations
  • Accurate relativistic effective potentials for the sixth-row main group elements, S.A. Wildman, G.A. DiLabio and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 107, 9975-9979 (1997) 54 citations
  • Simple one-electron capping potentials for use in hybrid QM/MM studies of biological molecules, G.A. DiLabio, M.M. Hurley and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 116, 9578-9584 (2002) 109 citations



Office Phone Number: 315/268-4099

Office Location: 245 Science Center

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5810