Humanities and Social Sciences Minors

Humanities and Social Sciences Minors

Humanities and social sciences offers minors that consist of a coherent set of five courses beyond The Clarkson Seminar, plus completion of a minor portfolio.

There are three different types of minors: thematic, disciplinary and student-designed minors. These options allow you to focus on areas of interest and to work with faculty across the university.

All humanities and social sciences minors require 15 credit hours as well as a required non-credit minor portfolio.

The Minor Portfolio

The Minor Portfolio requires students, under the guidance of a faculty adviser in the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, to compile a portfolio that represents their learning experience in the minor. The portfolio will be completed within the appropriately designated 499 Humanities/Social Sciences Minor Portfolio, a 0-credit hour course. Students must receive a P (pass) in the minor portfolio in order to complete the requirements for the minor.

Thematic Minors are interdisciplinary minors consist of five related humanities and social sciences courses that address a common theme. The list of courses in each of the thematic minors, as well as other information about them, is available from the chair of the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences.

Disciplinary Minors consist of five courses in one of the disciplinary areas in the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, such as anthropology, history, sociology, literature, philosophy and political science.

Student-designed minors allow our students to propose a minor through the office of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences to a  faculty committee for approval. The proposal lists the courses that the student will take for their minor and articulates the coherence among these courses. Students are encouraged to design their minor in collaboration with a faculty advisor within the department.

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Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Phone: 315-268-4365